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Violet Sacred Oil - a helper for Grief


Violet colour has the faster vibrational frequency and the shortest wavelength in he entire spectrum. The therapeutic qualities of the colour are mirrored by the essence of the flower Violet.

After reading the deeply touching blog on Grief written by Jennie Duck, I was impelled to share a wonderful helper from the flowers kingdom, much valued in herbal medicine and in the Sacred Oils age-old lineage.

Sacred Oils have a very ancient history, dated back even earlier than dynastic Egypt, when they were used for guidance, healing, rituals, celebrations and divination. They are a small, very special group of essential oils regarded for their special energies and sacred attributes.

Sacred Oils were also used to help the dying cross over to the other realm and prepare them for burial. In the Bible Mary Magdalene, High Priestess trained in the knowledge of these Precious Oils poured perfumed and costly Spikenard oil on Jesus to prepare him to pass over. The honorific anointing with aromatic oils is an act frequently mention in ancient time’s literature.

Sacred Oils are Healing Masters, some of them with a very high vibrational frequency that can reach very deeply inside of us and re-arrange our vibrational frequency to match theirs. They have the ability to help at a Soul level and harmonize and support profound emotional challenges and pain such as grief.

Violet Oil has been used by Felicity Warner for about 3 decades in her beautiful work as a Soul Midwife, “she who assists the dying to pass over” and exit this physical plane. Her work also supports the family and loved ones in their process of grieving.

Violet oil is so valuable for extreme, inconsolable grief, helping to release the pain and heal the wound, gives comfort and strength to a broken bleeding heart. It embraces us and guide us through our healing into acceptance.

Below is a Violet Sacred Oil meditation channelled by Felicity. Creating sacred space and sinking into a meditative state, prepare yourself to invite in and respectfully ask for Violet’s help. Meditate with this Healing Helper as you go through you healing process of acceptance and surrender to the divine plan. You can smell the oil; put a drop of diluted oil in the palm of your hand and breath in deeply and slowly cupping your hands to your nose; sweep your hands around your body: your aura (energetic field). You could also diffuse the oil in the room. Continue this practice daily for as long as you need.

Violet Meditation

“Call on me when the pain of deep grief is unrelenting, when the crying and the state of missing a beloved has become a deep, raw wound that nothing seems to heal.

I’m gentle but strong. I ‘ll release you from the deepest pain of your soul’s suffering. Even holding a bottle containing a few precious drops of my essence may bring a soothing shift in your heart. You’ll heal and greet joy in your life once more. I’ve a soothing and high vibration. I’m a powerful gift from the Earth that will hold your soul in a place of total love and release.”

Felicity Warner, Sacred Oils, 2018

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