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Leo Full Moon


Leo Full Moon Ritual

Are you ready to shine your own unique light?

Are you ready to stand proudly in the light of the full moon, and have the courage to be seen in all your beauty?

This Full Moon in Leo calls for leonine energy to be harnessed and embodied to follow your heart’s true calling, claiming your power and spiritual strength.

To radiate our divine light, which is our true essence as spiritual beings, requires a shift of our consciousness with the re-programming of our normal everyday awareness and the reset our own unique frequency.

As we are coming up to the FULL MOON IN LEO, on the 16th of Feb 2022 join me in Ritual and Sound Journey Meditation to clear your sacred temple of old energy, releasing of the past, connecting to your own power and light, to your inner strength and wisdom & then allow yourself, through the silvery radiance of the moon, to shine your light, amplify your intention and direct your energy towards manifestation.

It is time to express your beautiful self out into the world, celebrating yourself in your fullness, honoring the gifts you have to bring into the world.

Full Moon is time for celebration, to break free of personal limitations and things that don’t serve your authentic self; coming into alignment with your soul through full expression of yourself.

Under the radiant light of the full moon, symbolically, everything has been lit up and exposed. Everything that have been in secret cannot hide, it’s under the spotlight, at this time many things may be revealed.

You also are seen “naked” just for what and who u are, integrating into yourself all those parts of yourself that you struggle to accept, that you don’t like, that you criticize. This is the time to bring all those parts into your heart and accept them fully so that you can be whole again in order to shine your light in full power, there is no half way, no playing small. This is a time for you to celebrate yourself, not looking outside for approval, which keeps us small and strips us off of our power, keeping us unrooted. Keeping yourself small does not serve you or anybody else.

Are you ready to release your fear of been seen?

It is in this phase of the moon, waxing gibbous, just before the full moon and during the full moon when we have the opportunity to decide: do I want to keep myself small? Do I want to hold myself down?

And ask ourself: Where am I keeping myself small and why?

Do not deny yourself your uniqueness anymore.

With the full moon in Leo it is time for you to let your lion loose! Being courageous like a lion, open yourself to the moon as her light re-ignites that part of yourself that knows how to live free from fear and may that spark grow into a fire of self-expression and freedom.

Be proud of who you are and the achievements you have accomplished so far. Celebrate your journey. Embrace the energy of this full moon and utilize it to restate your dreams and desires.

Embodying the lion’s qualities, of courage, creativity, majesty, strength justice, sovereignty, divinity, empowerment dignity grace. royalty, protection, bravery, power, let’s allow ourselves to come together through the moon’s light & shine our lights also for those who are living in fear & darkness and isolation. Let’s shine together and be the role model of full embodiment.

FULL MOON RITUAL: I am lighting this candle in reference to my own inner light MAY MY UNIQUE LIGHT SHINE AND BE SEEN, AND MAY BE A beckon of light for everybody just like the moon is.

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