In my personal practice I observe the Dark Moon on the night before the New Moon and this is a powerful one being tomorrow the first New Moon of 2025 and the beginning of the year of the Snake in the Chinese calendar.
In this night I dedicate a ritual to myself and to the moon, tuning into hers and my energies. An inner work of introspection during a lunar cycle that culminates on the Dark Moon.
If you are no longer bleeding this is a powerful ritual to do to clear and empty yourself of everything accumulated in the month: thoughts, emotions, outdated believes.
The ritual of releasing can be performed with the elements of water or fire, which become the collectors and purifiers of what you have gathered during the lunar cycle that you want to release for your growth and evolution. Emptying yourself of what you need to transform or be composted, to step into a higher version of yourself and stay aligned.

1. Create your sacred space, light up a candle, burn your temple incense to cleanse and step into yourself deeply entering a meditative state. You can use Frankincense or Myrrh and a Sacred Oil, today it was Blue Lotus for me.
2. Connect with the energy of the Dark Moon. Which shadows of yourself have come up for you in this lunar cycle?
3. Gather your attention on those thing you want to work on to be released.
4. With focused intention you can write them on a small strip of paper really feeling and connecting to those emotion and though that don’t serve you anymore.
5. Burn them one at the time, concentrating on the intention of letting them go. I use my witch cauldron so I can do it safely. Find a way that is safe Vocalising them and formulating affirmations while you do the ritual amplify the intention. You can do this without writing them down and burn them symbolically sending them to the fire with strong intention.
6. Offer gratitude to the Moon, to the and to Mother Earth, (as they are helping you to do this transformation and transmutation) and to yourself, stating that the work is done. And so it is.
Tuning in notice the shift in your vibrational frequency.
Blessed be
Veronica Nilah